VT-8008: MIMO Vibration Controller
VT-8008 Series MIMO Vibration Controller: Multiple Input & Multiple Output.
Premax has released the next generation of vibration controller – VT-8008 series MIMO vibration controller – to North America. It has been proven reliable in technologies and test quality in the Japanese market. MIMO is excelling in large scale control of MIMO (Multiple Input, Multiple Output), MESA (Multiple Exciter, Single Axis) and MEMA (Multiple Exciter, Multiple Axes).
VT-8008 Series MIMO vibration controller adopts PXI bus structure and multi-DSPs technology to perform powerful and precise control and analysis, like series of synchronized high performance vibration controller working simultaneously and synchronously without degradation of performance. Its adaptive control method with cross coupling compensation ensures the brilliant control effect of multiple shaker systems.
With Premax-LLC’s VT-8008 series MIMO vibration controller, users are able to create multiple degree of freedom environments in laboratories. Applications of VT-8008 series MIMO vibration controller are as diverse as 4-Poster Vehicle Road Simulation System, bridge and building simulation on multiple exciter single axis, control of 3-axes ED shaker, control of 6 DOF vibration system, and even control of multiple vibration shakers and meanwhile recording raw data at high resolution from up to 64 input channels for hours with large memory size for each channel.
VT-8008 series MIMO vibration controller provides the most comprehensive vibration control test modules and data recording and analysis functions. We are able to customize test modules of input and output channels for vibration control, environmental data recording, acoustic capture, HDD RPM counting and other more functions to meet your specified test needs. A trade-in program is also available if you want to replace old controller and save your budget for upgrading. Contact us for detailed information.
Multiple synchronous or asynchronous vibration control of 2-16 shaker systems.
Multi-axis and Multi-DOF vibration control.
Extendable from 16 to 64 input channels of single chassis. Variable control strategies to fulfill different vibration test needs.
Wide vibration test frequency range up to 18,750 Hz24-bit ADC/DAC, 160 dB/Oct digital anti-aliasing filter> +110 dB dynamic range & < -100 dB harmonic distortion> +100 dB SNR (signal to noise ratio) & < -105 dB channel cross talk
Amplitude accuracy 0.1%,
Frequency accuracy 0.001%
Real-time loop-control with centralized 32-bit floating 300 MHz DSP processing and well-conditioned low noise design.
Re-connect function while network disconnect and without missing data
Multiple sensor compatibility (Voltage, IEPE, TACHO, Temp. & Hum., Strain, CAN, GPS) for various test types.
High resolution and long-time data recorder with large size of independent storage in controller for each channel.
Waveform generator to create vibration test spectrum based on raw data
Self-Calibration packages to avoid out of calibration date and meet compliance requirement
Software update and training
1 Year of factory warranty
The VT-8008 series vibration controller is famous by high reliability with its robust hardware design and long lasting durability. Integrates latest 32-bit floating point DSP technique for control and quick analysis in the controller.
Achieves remote control via Gigabit Ethernet and enables re-connect while network disconnected without missing data. Influences from PC are minimized.Is compatible with variable acquisition modules: vibration, noise, RPM, temperature, humidity, pressure, strain stress, and other customized modules.
Controls vibration at extremely low frequency (0.1 Hz of sine sweep test) and high frequency (18750 Hz of random vibration test) with sampling frequency up to 48000 Hz. Has up to 64 input channels or 16 drives/outputs in single chassis.
Integrates independent large storage space for each channel
Utilizes BNC connections of all channels for quick and solid connection.
Chassis chain is able to house hundreds and thousands of channels for large amount of inputs.